Joachim, Mitchell and Maria Aiolova. Design with Life: Biotech Architecture and Resilient Cities, Actar Publishers.
Joachim, Mitchell and Michael Silver. XXL-XS: New Directions in Ecological Design, Actar Publishers.
Anker, Peder, Harpman, Louise, and Mitchell Joachim. Global Design: Elsewhere Envisioned, Prestel/ Random House.
Tandon, Nina and Mitchell Joachim. Super Cells: Building with Biology, TED Books, Amazon Kindle Edition (2nd edition in preparation for print publication).
Anker, Peder and Mitchell Joachim (eds.) School of the Earth: Gallatin Reimagined 2061, CreateSpace/ NYU.
Joachim, Mitchell, Fessel, Melanie and Nurhan Gokturk. Ecotarium: Unlimited Lifecycle Design - Terreform ONE, Melanie Fessel, Philip D. Plowright (eds.), CRITPraX Series, Moncaster Press.
Joachim, Mitchell, Miller, Paul D. and Peder Anker. “Commemorating COVID,” The Pandemic Effect: Ninety Experts on Immunizing the Built Environment, Braine Brownell (ed.), Princeton Architectural Press, pp. 44-45.
Joachim, Mitchell, Fessel, Melanie Fessel, TerreformX, “Unlimited Pedagogy,” Q3 Influence: World Building, Design Intelligence Quarterly, Michael LeFevre (ed.), DI Media Group, pp. 1-6.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Monarch Sanctuary/ Bio-Informatic Digester,” Eyes of the City. Architecture and Urban Space after Artificial Intelligence, Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri (eds.), Hatje Cantz Verlag, pp. 101-104, 254, 256, 265-6.
Joachim, Mitchell and Nicholas Gervasi. “Effected Butterflies: Informal Urban Migration of Monarchs and Humans Across the US-Mexico Border,” Informality through Sustainability Urban Informality Now, Antonino Di Raimo, Steffen Lehmann, Alessandro Melis (eds.), Routledge, pp. 103-112.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Imminent Communication with Nature,” 2038 The New Serenity, Lukas Kubina (eds.), Sorry Press, pp. 168-173.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Untitled, June 12, 2020, 11 AM, NYC,” At a Distance: 100 Visionaries at Home in a Pandemic, Spencer Bailey, Andrew Zuckerman (eds.), Apartamento Publishing SL. pp. 186 -189.
Joachim, Mitchell, Anker, Peder and Nicholas Gervasi. “Deep Impact,” Anja Koller (ed.), Topos, no.112, pp. 32-37.
Joachim, Mitchell. “The Monarch Sanctuary,” Black Ecologies, Manuel Gausa, Areti Markopoulou, Jordi Vivaldi (eds.), IaaC Bits No. 9. Actar, pp. 66-71.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Monarch Sanctuary,” LASG Symposium 2019 Proceedings, Beesley, Philip and Sascha Hastings (eds.), Riverside Architectural Press, pp. 87-90.
Joachim, Mitchell. “The Work of Terreform ONE,” White Papers 2019, Beesley, Philip and Sascha Hastings (eds.), Riverside Architectural Press, pp. 142-155.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Rethinking Urban Utopias: A Manifesto for Self-Supported Infrastructure, Technology, and Territory,” Intelligent Infrastructure: Zipcars, Invisible Networks Urban Transformation, T. F. Tierney (ed.) University of Virginia Press, cover image, pp. 159-172.
Joachim, Mitchell and Christian Hubert. “The End of Waste? Towards A Socio-Ecological Commons,” Imminent Commons: Urban Questions for the Near Future, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Pai, Hyungmin and Alejandro Zaera-Polo (eds.), Actar Publishers, pp. 318-333.
Joachim, Mitchell and Christian Hubert. “Liveware: The Plug-In Ecology Urban Farm Pod,” Imminent Commons: The Expanded City, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Anderson, Jeffrey S. and Alejandro Zaera-Polo (eds.), Actar Publishers, pp.146-150.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Bio City Map and Plug-In Ecology,” The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture, Charissa Terranova and Meredith Tromble (eds.), Routledge, pp. 177-187.
Joachim, Mitchell and Scott Pobiner. “On Makerbots and Garden Plots Manufacturing and Innovation in 2020,” MISC, Fall, pp. 106-109.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Ten archetypes of nature in design,” Technoetic Arts Journal, Intellect, Vol. 14 Issue 1-2, pp. 127-130.
Joachim, Mitchell. “A Century of Ecological Innovation,” 2050: Designing Our Tomorrow, Chris Luebkeman (ed.), AD (Architectural Design), Wiley, Jul/Aug. No. 236, pp. 68-73, 135.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Plug-In Ecology: Urban Farm Pod with Agronomy,” Computational Ecologies Design in the Anthropocene, Combs, Lonn and Chris Perry (eds.), ACADIA, pp. 90-93.
Joachim, Mitchell. “City and Refuse: Self-reliant Systems and Urban Terrains,” Building from Waste Recovered Materials in Architecture and Construction, Dirk E. Hebel, Marta H. Wisniewska, Felix Heisel (eds.), Birkhäuser, pp. 20-25, 164-165.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Future ecological design as urbaneering: new positions on city-making without scale,” Low Carbon Cities: Transforming Urban Systems, Steffen Lehmann (ed), Routledge, pp. 151-172.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Hackerspace in Synthetic Biological Design,” The Idea of the Avant Garde & What It Means Today, Marc J. Léger (ed.), Manchester Univ. Press, pp. 160-162.
Joachim, Mitchell and Maria Aiolova. “The Heterodox Pedagogy: Hackerspaces and Collaborative Education in Design,” Arts, Research, Innovation and Society, Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, David F.J. Campbell (eds.), Springer, pp. 137-154.
Joachim, Mitchell, "Promised Jet Packs," David Rowan (ed.), Wired, UK. p.112.
Joachim, Mitchell. “What if we could rebuild New York City?” Stephen Dowling (ed.) BBC FUTURE Series.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Smart Trash: Transforming Waste Into Building Blocks of the Next City,” Unconventional Computing, Rachel Armstrong, Simone Ferracina (eds.), ACADIA Riverside Architectural Press, pp. 66-71.
Joachim, Mitchell and Melanie Fessel. “Rethinking Urban Landscapes: Self-Supported Infrastructure, Technology and Territory,” Cities for Smart Environmental and Energy Futures: Impacts on Architecture and Technology, Stamatina Th. Rassia, Panos M. Pardalos (eds.), Springer, pp 23-53.
Joachim, Mitchell, Maria Aiolova. “Terreform ONE, Regenerative Landscapes,” Regenerative Infrastructures: Freshkills Park NYC, Land Art Generator Initiative, Caroline Klein, LAGI (eds.), Prestel, pp. 29-30, 42-45.
Joachim, Mitchell and Melanie Fessel. “Hackerspaces and the Act of Making,” Volume #35 Everything Under Control, Brendan Cormier (ed.) pp. 132-5.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Extraterritorial Floating House,” GOOD, Issue 030, Fall, pp. 60-61.
Joachim, Mitchell and Maria Aiolova. “Riparian Buffers Along Brooklyn Waterfront,” Next New York: A Sketchbook for the Future of the City, Christopher Beardsley, Daniel McPhee (eds.), The Forum for Urban Design/ Village Print, pp. 52-53.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Envisioning Ecological Cities,” New Model Cities 02: Rebooting Urban Design Energy Economy Ecology, Mojdeh Baratloo (ed.), Columbia Univ., pp. 117-124.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Terreform ONE,” Embodied Fantasies: From Awe to Artifice, Suzanne Anker, Sabine Flach (eds.), Peter Lang AG, pp. 177-186.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Design with Ecology,” ReGeneration, Steve Dietz, Eric Siegel, Amanda Parkes (eds.), New York Hall of Science, Meridian Press, p. 71.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Turning Waste into Building Blocks of the Future City,” Stephen Dowling (ed.) BBC FUTURE Series.
Joachim, Mitchell. “The Necessity of All Scales: Planetary Design in the Age of Globality,” Ecological Urban Architecture, Thomas Schroepfer (ed.), Birkhäuser, pp. 174-184.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Envisioning Ecological Cities; Rapid Re(f)use, One Hour Tower, Homeway,” Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond: Rethinking Cities for the Future, Tigran Haas (ed.), Rizzoli, pp. 240-245.
Joachim, Mitchell and Maria Aiolova. “Design as a Resource for All Recourses,” Futuristic: Visions of Future Living, Caroline Klein, Stefanie Lieb (ed.), DAAB, pp. 242-249.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Urbaneering,” The WIRED World in 2013, David Baker (ed.), Wired UK Special Edition, Nov. pp. 89-90.
Joachim, Mitchell. "The Art of Cities," City Vision, Francesco Lipari, Federico Giacomarra (ed.), issue #7, autumn/winter, pp. 64-71.
Joachim, Mitchell and Melanie Fessel. "Rethinking Urban Landscapes: Self-Supported Infrastructure, Technology, and Territory,” There's a Future: Visions for a Better World, Francisco González (ed.), BBVA Publication, pp. 249-275.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Prescience,” Conditions, Nov. Issue #9, pp. 62-67.
Joachim, Mitchell. “The Urbaneers,” Design Mind, Bruno Giussani (ed.), Frog, pp. 16-17.
Joachim, Mitchell and Maria Aiolova. “Brooklyn Urbaneering,” Design for the Real World REDUX, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, pp. 26-31.
Joachim, Mitchell and Neri Oxman. “PeristalCity,” Evolo Skyscrapers, Carlo Aiello (ed.) eVolo, pp. 622-625.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Envisioning Ecological Cities,” Ecological Urbanism, Mohsen Mostafavi and Gareth Doherty (ed.), Harvard University GSD, Lars Muller Publishers, pp. 224-29.
Joachim, Mitchell and Thomas Lovejoy. “Smarter Infrastructure,” Science is Culture: Conversations at the New Intersection of Science + Culture, Adam Bly (ed.), Harper Perennial, pp. 329-343.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Urbaneering Brooklyn, NY 2110: The Sci-Fi based Solution to Climate Change,” Topos, Vol. 73. p. 88-92.
Joachim, Mitchell. "Rapid Re(f)use: 3-D Fabricated Positive Waste Ecologies," Eco-Redux, Architectural Design (AD), Lydia Kallipolliti (ed.), Wiley, Vol. 80, # 6, Nov/Dec. pp. 122-129.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Terreform ONE,” Contemporary Digital Architecture: Design and Techniques, Dimitris Kottas (ed.), Links International.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Terreform ONE 2010-2110,” Future of the Future, Jaroslav Andel (ed.) Center for Contemporary Art, DOX, Prague, CZ, pp. 66- 75.
Joachim, Mitchell and Ioanna Theocharopoulou. “Ecogram,” The Studio-X NY Guide to Liberating New Forms of Conversation, Gavin Browning (ed.), GSAPP Books.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Pre-Source: Design as a Resource for all Resources”, Kerb Journal, Ben Kazacos (ed.), RMIT, BPA Books, pp. 88-91.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Agora: Dreams and Visions,” l’Arca, N° 246, Apr. pp. 4- 11.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Terrefuge,” Architecture of Change 2: Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment, K. Feireiss, and L. Feireiss (ed.), Gestalten, Berlin.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Housing for the 21st Century; Urban Refuse, Housing & Wall-E,” eVolo magazine, issue 01, Fall, pp. 62-63.
Joachim, Mitchell and Hayes Raffle, James Tichenor. “Super Cilia Skin,” Transmaterial 2, Blaine Brownell (ed.), Princeton Architectural Press.
Joachim, Mitchell and Melanie Fessel. “Profusion of Invention,” Bauwelt, May 9.
Joachim, Mitchell and M. Sorkin. “Go Figure Somerville,” EDGE as CENTER; Envisioning the Post-Industrial Landscape, A. Bokov (ed.), City of Somerville, MA.
Joachim, Mitchell, Ryan Chin, Patrik Künzler, and William Lark, Smart Cities Group MIT. “City Car: A New Design Approach Enabling Urban Mobility,” Convergence, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
Joachim, Mitchell, Axel Kilian, Patrik Künzler, and Peter Schmidt. “Development of an Articulated Vehicle Chassis the H-type,” Game Set and Match II, Kas Oosterhuis and Lukas Feireiss (ed.), Episode publishers.
Joachim, Mitchell, Douglas Joachim, and Neri Oxman. “PeristalCity,” and “RiverGyms,” Thresholds Journal #32 Access, Pamela Karimi (ed.), MIT.
Joachim, Mitchell, Javier Arbona, and Lara Greden. “Nature's Home,” 306090 08: Autonomous Urbanism, Kjersti Monson, Alex Duval (eds.), Princeton Architectural Press.
Joachim, Mitchell, Javier Arbona, and Lara Greden. “Fab Tree Hab,” VISION, World Student Community for Sustainable Development (WSC-SD) Journal, Apr. 25.
Joachim, Mitchell. “Fab Tree Hab,” Thresholds Journal #26 Denatured, MIT.
Joachim, Mitchell, Hayes Raffle, and James Tichenor. “Super Cilia Skin,” Human-Computer Interaction, CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM.
Joachim, Mitchell. 2002-2003 form*Z Joint Study Report, Stephen Ervin (ed.), auto*des*sys, INC.
Alfuso, Renee (ed.), “Memory Serves,” Scope NYU, Issue #4, pp. 38-39.
Baart, Ruben (ed.), Spacefarming, “Cricket Shelter,” Next Nature, pp. 110-113.
Perry, Chris, and Cathryn Dwyre (eds.), “In Vitro Meat Habitat,” Ambiguous Territory: Architecture, Landscape and the Postnatural, Actar, pp. 206.
The Future Of: Skyscrapers, Mitchell Joachim Interview, Verge/Vox Media. Netflix S1:E10.
Koo, Ken. “American Museum of Natural History Butterfly Conservatory Feeders,” Red Dot Design Concept Yearbook 2021/ 2022, Red Dot Singapore Pte. Ltd. pp. 34-35, 422.
Raggi, Valentina. “Crossing, Anti-extinction Library,” Elle Decor Italia, June, p.42.
Kahl, Julia. “Bio-Informatic Digester Terreform ONE,” Slanted Magazine #37, May, p. 207.
Briscoe, Danelle. “Terreform ONE,” Centerline 15: Other Nature, Center for American Architecture and Design, University of Texas at Austin, pp. 40-43.
Architizer. “Terreform ONE, Monarch Sanctuary,” Architizer: The World's Best Architecture, Phaidon, p.186.
de Gonzaga, Shamina. "Are we there yet?" Terreform ONE, Centerpoint Now, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations (WCPUN), pp. 150-151.
Hiesinger, Kathryn B., Fisher, Michelle Millar, Byrne, Emmet, López-Pastor, Maite Borjabad, and Zoë Ryan. Designs for Different Futures, Yale University Press, p. 129.
Condell, Caitlin, Lipps, Andrea, McQuaid, Matilda and Gène Bertrand. Nature: Collaborations in Design: Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, pp. 183, 188-189.
Van Den Hout, Julia. “Inside Track,” Oculus, AIA New York Publishing, Fall, Vol. 81, Issues 3 and 4, pp. 31-33.
Fisher, Bob. “Designing Against Extinction with Terreform ONE,” DesignIntelligence Quarterly 3Q edition, pp. 14-17.
Jackson, Davina. Data Cities: How Satellites are Transforming Architecture and Design, Lund Humphries, pp. 5, 149.
Dobraszczyk, Paul. Future Cities: Architecture and the Imagination, Reaktion Books, p. 216-217.
Piatek, Grzegorz. “Terreform ONE, Miasto Z Odpadow,” Architektura-murator, Jan. p.021.
Zacks, Stephen. “Other Voices, Other Worlds,” Art in America, Dec. pp. 80-82.
Pai, Hyungmin (Ed). Imminent Commons: Live from Seoul: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Actar, p. 9.
Fisher, Bob. “Design Thinking for a Better World: Interview with Mitchell Joachim,” DesignIntelligence Quarterly 2Q edition, pp. 36-39.
Cogdell, Christina. “Fab Tree Hab,” Toward a Living Architecture? Complexism and Biology in Generative Design, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 159-160.
Cedolia, Aaron. “Changing the Conversation: Climate Change Initiative,” Gallatin Today, NYU, Winter, pp. 2-5.
Liaño Bibi. “Cosecha Urbana,” Modo de Vida. 09/18, No. 234, pp. 78-80.
Beesten, Lucas. “Es kommt Leben in die Hutte,” UmweltDialog, Aug. pp. 78-79.
Popular Science. The Future Then: Fascinating Art & Predictions from 145 Years of Popular Science, Weldon Owen, p. 287.
Connelly, Sheryl. “Perspective from TED Fellow Mitchell Joachim,” Looking Further with Ford, 2018 Trend Report, Ford Motor Company, p. 45.
Silvia Botti, Fabrizio Gallanti. “Editorial,” and “Nuovi ibridi/ New Hybrids,” Abitare, No. 567, Sept. pp. 17, 38-47.
Cureton, Paul. “Urbaneering and Future North, Terreform ONE,” Strategies for Landscape Representation Digital and Analogue Techniques, Routledge, pp. 176-7, 234.
Margolis, Jonathan. “Inside New Lab: The Heart of Brooklyn’s Tech Revolution,” The Financial Times, Jan. 17.
Paura, Angelo. “rifugi post-apocalittici, Terreform ONE,” (post-apocalyptic shelters), pagina99. April pp. 17.
Jacobs, Neil. “Changemakers, The Experimentalist,” Hospitality De Christelle Gérand, sign, Nov. Vol.39 No. 10 pp.126-127.
Caminos, Ximena. “Cricket Shelter Insect Farm,” Faena Journal, Issue 18, Dec. pp. 1, 4.
Lau, Wanda. “10th Annual R+D Awards, Winner: Terreform ONE,” ARCHITECT, Vol. 105, No. 7, Jul. pp. 110-115, 143.
Corcoran, Heather. “Mushrooms: Building Blocks of the Future? Terreform ONE Mycoform Chair,” Dwell, Jul/Aug. p.48.
Anzalone, Phillip and Jeff Pastva. “Terreform ONE's Cricket Shelter and Farm,” Connection, AIA Young Architects Forum, Dec. Vol. 14. Issue 06, pp.32-35.
Lorraine Johnson, “Comfort Food, Terreform ONE,” Azure, Vol. 249, Jul/ Aug. p. 122.
Zaera-Polo, Alejandro and Guillermo Fernandez Abascal. “Well Into the 21st Century The Architectures of Post-Capitalism?,” El Croquis, N.187.
Wallis, Oliver Franklin. “Snack Shack,” Wired, UK, Nov. p. 93.
Post, Annouk. “Fab Tree Hab, Terreform ONE,” Ontdekkingsreis naar een duurzame wereld (Discovery for a sustainable world), ArtEZ Press, pp. 195-6, 209.
Volner, Ian. “Renaissance Plan,” Surface, Nov. Issue 133.
Hurley, Amanda Kolson. “MIT on the Future of Suburbia, Terreform ONE Cricket Farm,” ARCHITECT, Vol. 105 No. 5, May p. 182.
Gollayan, Christian. “Bug Out Cricket Shelter,” New York Post, Jul. 23.
Anderson, Darran. “Story of cities #future: what will our growing megacities really look like?” The Guardian, UK, May 26.
Zuckerman, Catherine. “Urban Planting,” National Geographic, V. 229, # 6, Jun. pp. 22-23.
Gutierrez, Isabel. “Plug-In Ecology,” Pasajes Arquitectura, No. 139 pp. 52-53.
Isenbort, Gregor (ed). "Bio City Map of 11 Billion," Szenografie in Ausstellungen und Museen VII. Klartext Verlag, pp. 126-133.
Zechlin, René (ed.). “The Megacity as Living Environment,” Wie leben? Zukunftsbilder von Malewitsch bis Fujimoto, Wienand Verlag, pp. 252-263.
Kissling, Elise (ed.). “Co-creating solutions for urban neighborhoods in coastal cities,” Creator Space White Paper, BASF Corporation.
Schick, Elisabeth (ed.). “The Bio City Map,” 150 Years of BASF 150 Moments, BASF SE/ Hoffmann und Campe Publishing.
Kushner, Marc. “In Vitro Meat Habitat,” The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings, TED Books/ Simon & Schuster, p. 145.
Russell, Beverly, Eva, Maddox and Farooq Ameen (eds). “Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE,” Fifty Under Fifty: Innovators of the 21st Century, Images Publishing, pp. 220-225.
Ingram, Tracey. “Material Futures, Terreform ONE Mycoform Surface,” Frame Publishers, #107 Nov/Dec, pp. 168-69.
Dunne, Carey. “Inside New Lab: How the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Innovation Hub Is Shaping the Future,” Brooklyn magazine, Oct. pp. 34-36.
Semuels, Alana. “How to Stop Humans From Filling the World With Trash; Skyscrapers Made of Garbage,” The Atlantic, Jul/Aug.
Dunn, Nick, Cureton, Paul and Serena Pollastri. “Smart City Terreform ONE, Urbaneering Red Hook Brooklyn and Governors Island,” UK Government Office for Science, Crown, London, pp. 9, 64, 73.
Jongh, Karlyn De. “Terreform ONE,” Time Space Existence: Made in Europe, La Biennale di Venezia, Global Art Affairs Foundation, pp. 316-317.
Mann, Danielle. “New American Success Stories: Mitchell Joachim” Car and Driver Magazine, Vol. 60, No. 4, p. 60.
Zahringer, Lauren. “Design Frontiers: Bio-Art and The Bio City Map,” Whitewall, pp.64-65.
Simitch, Andrea and Val Warke. “Rapid Re(f)use, Terreform ONE,” The Language of Architecture: 26 Principles Every Architect Should Know, Rockport Publishers, p. 63.
Saraiva, Céline and Philippe Trétiack. “Green Brain: A Smart Park for a New City,” Beaux Arts, n°356, p. 47.
Plowright, Philip. “Blimp Bumper Buses and MATscape, Terreform ONE,” Revealing Architectural Design: Methods, Frameworks and Tools, Routledge, pp. 102-105.
Frank, Rachel E. Future Tech Right Now, HowStuffWorks/ Sourcebooks, pp. 138, 246.
Salazar, Christian. "Brooklyn Tech Triangle is center of booming New York industry," AM New York, Nov. 17, pp. 4-5.
Sabir, Beste. “Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim,” XXI Mimarlık Tasarım, April, pp. 6-7.
Lechner, Marie. “Micro Macro, world under a microscope,” Libération, March 27, pp 22-23.
Claude, Carine. “Festivals VIA-EXIT 2014, release the pixel!,” Poptronics, March 27.
Bourbon Parme, Aude de. “Micro Macro, Exhibition VIA & EXIT,” Art Actuel, March-April.
Post, Rachael. “Are tiny houses, micro-apartments the future of urban homes?,” The Guardian, Aug 25.
Lasky, Julie. The Beauty of Bacteria, The New York Times, pp. D1, D7, Thur. Jan. 17.
Riley, Ronnette and Karen Fairbanks. Terreform ONE, 2013 AIANY Design Awards, Oculus, Summer Vol. 75, Issue #2, p. 46.
Stelling, Tamar. “Made by Bacteria,” NRC Next, Oct. 1, DAG p1.
Jackson, Jesse C., Davila, Patricio and Roderick Grant (eds.). “Terreform ONE,” Urban Ecologies 2013, OCAD University Press.
Rosenberg, Eli. “Think tank proposes creating wetlands with scrapped ships,” The Brooklyn Paper, Mar. p.18.
Reyes, Sandra. “Mitchell Joachim,” Código Magazine, Feb.-Mar. #73, pp. 78-81.
Bachelier, Murielle. “Green Touch; Une maison vivante,” A Nous Paris, No. 601, April, cover, p.9.
Stanzl, Eva. “Dein Zuhause als Organismus,” Wiener Zeitung, Vienna, No. 15, Feb 26, cover, pp. 11-12.
Sasso, Federica, Valentina Redaelli. “L’unione faillavoro,” E il Mensile, April.
Gahren, Isabel, “Future, Here We Come! Towards Eutopia!” Jpeople, No. 17. pp. 6-13.
Collet, Carole. “Gen2Seat, Fab Tree Hab Village,” En Vie/ Alive, 'Le Design Ultime?, Espace EDF Foundation, Paris, FR. April, p. 23, 38.
Gérand, Christelle. “Et si l'on faisait pousser les maisons comme des plantes?,” We Demain, No. 5, pp. 136-141.
Myers, William (ed.). Bio Design: Nature + Science + Creativity, Thames & Hudson, The Museum of Modern Art, pp. 10, 58-61.
Bergman, David. “Fab Tree Hab,” Sustainable Design: A Critical Guide, Princeton Architectural Press, p. 135.
Bua, Matt and Maximillian Goldfarb (ed.). Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawings, Laurence King Publishing, pp. 20, 72, 144, 318.
Amoroso, Nadia. Digital Landscape Architecture Now, Thames & Hudson. pp. 17, 242-247.
Budds, Diana. “The Now 99, The Future of Housing,” Dwell, May, p.102, 120.
Kusisto Laura. “Green Center to Cultivate Manufacturers,” The Wall Street Journal. May 17.
Caroline, Larroche, “Fab Tree Hab, M. Joachim Terreform ONE,” Architecture, Editions Palette, pp. 80-81.
Görtz, Clara. INNOVATIONSMANAGER (Innovations Management), Dec., DE. pp. 6-7.
Ferracina, Simone. Material Shifts, Terreform ONE, Organs Everywhere, Oct., pp. 60-61.
Reyes, Sandra. “Terreform ONE, M. Joachim, Urbaneering Brooklyn,” Código, Aug.-Sep.#70, pp. 76-78.
Joachim, Mitchell and Douglas Joachim. “Terreform ONE, NY River Gym,” SB International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS), Jan. p. 10.
Broekman, Ralf F. and Olaf Winkler, "New Forms of Knowledge," Build Das Architekten, Mar. pp. 34-41.
Rajagopal, Avinash. “Collaborations Welcome,” Metropolis, pp. 62-70.
Lipinski, Jed. “On Flatbush Avenue, Seven Stories Chock-Full of Ideas,” The New York Times, Jan. 11.
Quinn, Bradley. "Super Cilia Skin," M. Joachim, H. Raffle, J. Tichenor, Design Futures, Merrell Publishers, pp. 110-11.
Magrou, Rafaël. “Terreform,” L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, ‘A’A’ Sustainable Prospects, pp. 80-83.
Feireiss, Lukas and Robert Klanten (ed.), Utopia Forever: Visions of Architecture and Urbanism, Gestalten, Berlin, pp.166-69.
Rossetti, Massimo. "Progetti non convenzionali," Costruire, Milano, IT, Feb., pp. 49-56.
Carruth, Allison. “The City Refigured: Environmental Vision in a Transgenic Age,”
Environmental Criticism for the Twenty-First Century, Stephanie LeMenager, Teresa Shewry and Ken Hiltner (eds.), Routledge, pp. 6, 84-85, 93, 95-98.
Corrado, Maurizio. “Fab Tree Fab, and Urbaneering Brooklyn,” Vegetecture, Sistemi Editoriali, pp. 202-203, 212-215.
Polli, Andrea, and Jane D. Marsching (Eds). “Future North,” Far Field: Digital Culture, Climate Change, and the Poles, Intellect Ltd, pp. 258-259.
Rodger, Nelda (ed.). “AZ Awards: Urbaneering/ Terreform ONE,” Azure, Jul/ Aug. p. 78.
Chernikhov, Andrei and Elena Martynova (eds.). “Terreform ONE, Terrefuge,” Challenge of the Time '10: Iakov Chernikhov International Prize of Young Architects, Tatlin, pp. 262-263.
“Zumtobel Award: Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova,” Topos, p.8, Vol. 72.
Bradley, John. “Future of The Environment: Urban Remodeler,” Popular Science, July, pp. cover, 7, 46-47.
McKeough, Tim. “Road Map To Tomorrow,” Surface Magazine, #83, July/Aug., pp. 40-45.
Kuntz, Melissa. “29 Chains to the Moon,” Art in America, Mar.
Hume, Christopher. “A meat home on the renewable range,” Toronto Star, Jan. 23.
Breuer, Hubertus. “Architektur und Natur,” Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Sept. 15.
Meyer, Friedeike “Zumtobel Group Award,” Bauwelt, Vol. 37.10, Oct., pp. 16-17.
Korsawe, Caroline. “Viewing the present through the future,” The Prague Post, Aug. 25.
Aiello, Carlo. “Cities of Tomorrow: Terreform ONE,” eVolo, Vol. 03, Fall/Winter.
Leite, Carlos. “Cidades 2010 + 25,” aU Arquitetura & Urbanismo, ANO 25, N. 197, Aug.
Smith, Heather. “Squeal Estate,” Harper's Magazine, May, pp. cover, 21-23.
Smith, Heather. “Why No One Wants to Eat Meat House” Meatpaper, Vol. 10, pp. 31-33.
Schröpfer, Thomas. “MATscape,” Material Design: Informing Architecture by Materiality,
Birkhauser Verlag AG, pp.180.
Guillo, Agnès and Jean-Arcady Meyer, Susan Emanuel, How to Catch a Robot Rat: When Biology Inspires Innovation, The MIT Press, pp. 18, 20, plate 2.
Mickens, Jasmine. “Start-up aims to construct w/ waste” Washington Square News, Feb. 8.
Rafson, Sarah. “Rethinking the Architect,” The Varsity Magazine, University of Toronto.
Terreform ONE, Portfolio, DAMDI Architectural Publishing, Seoul, KR, Vol. 5, pp. 896-911.
Mitchell, William J. and Chris E. Borroni-Bird, Lawrence D Burns, Reinventing the Automobile: Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century, The MIT Press.
Le Clerc, Sarah (ed.). “Rapid Re(f)use,” Tarp Coding Parameters Architecture Manual Spring 2010, Pratt Institute, pp.24-27.
Mimi Zeiger, “Urban Renewal,” ARCHITECT, March, pp. cover, 6, 42-47.
Montenegro, Maywa. “Seed Salon: Thomas Lovejoy/ Mitchell Joachim,” Seed, June, issue#22, pp. 39-44.
Pascarella, Matt. “Philippe Starck & Mitchell Joachim; Designs for Violence, Ecology, Religion & Politics”, TAR, Spring, Issue 2, pp. 198-209.
“The RS 100: Agents of Change,” Rolling Stone, April 2, p. 63.
Block, Mary. "Grave New World," Heeb, Issue #22.
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Rex Brown, Stephen. "Avant-Garde Agriculture, Architecture Meet in B’klyn," Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug. 19.
Leach, Neil (Ed.). "PERISTALCITY," Digital Cities AD: Architectural Design, Wiley, Sept.
Ricchi, Daria. “100% Sustainability: Interview with Mitchell Joachim,” AND journal, no. 14, April, pp. 84-87.
Lepeska, David. "Plotting Our Urban Future", Open, May 8, pp. cover, 18-22.
Serranova, Mariana. “Mitchell Joachim: What is Ecotransology,” pp.59-62, ASB Journal, 1-2/09 VI, CZ.
Avery, Dan. “Green Acre: A Hub of Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurs Grows in Brooklyn,” New York Post, April 13, p.41.
Vanderbilt, Tom. “The 2008 Smart List: Mitchell Joachim, Redesign Cities from Scratch,” Wired, Oct., pp. 178-9, 16.10.
Galindo, Michelle (ed.). 1000X Architecture of the Americas, Verlagshaus Braun, p. 429.
Markonish, Denise (ed.). Badlands: New Horizons in Landscape, MASS MoCA/ MIT Press, pp. 114-116, 220.
Zschocke, Geraldine. “Super Cilia Skin,” Inform, No. 9, Freiburg, DE, p. 6.
Martínez, Ángeles. “Sustainable Designs of Mitchell Joachim,” BG, No. 036, EC, pp. 78-9.
Aguirre, Iñaki. “Bioviviendas De Última Generación,” Arquitectura y Diseño, No. 95.
Mingo Pinacho, Gerardo. “City of the Future 2106,” Future Arquitecturas, No. 10, p. 146-8.
Ricchi, Daria. “Cities from Scratch with Mitchell Joachim,” Area, No. 99, IT, pp. 160-163.
Vidal, Dorleta. “Human-Powered River Gym,” Le Grand Mag, No. 5, Autumn/Winter, p. 170.
Moore, Kenneth J. “Ecoarchitecture,” Chemical & Engineering News, Sept., p. 56.
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Byles, Jeff. “Taking Back the Streets,” New York Times, p. CY11, Sun. Apr. 6.
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Vickers, Dave. “Pectoral Pedalo: River Gym,” Modern Design, No. 15, Diseño Earle, p. 66.
Vickers, Dave. “Home Grown: Fab Tree Hab,” Modern Design, No. 12, Diseño Earle, p. 63.
Senna, Bernardo. Sonho-Dreams, Viana & Mosley Editora.
Gil, Marta. “Architecture in a Tree,” Arquitectura y Diseño, No. 88, Apr., pp. 169-74.
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Stevens, Chris. “Ideal Home Show: Why tomorrow never came,” Telegraph UK, Mar. 8.
Meossi, Maurizio. “Veget-arch. Quando l'Architettura diviene Natura,” EdA esempi di Architettura, il prato, anno I, No. 3, pp. 182- 187.
Den Hartog, Harry. “Getemd wild wonen,” de Architect, NL, No. 6 Jun., p. 67.
Belogolovsky, Vladimir. “Terreform,” Tatlin News, RU, No. 4 (40) 48, pp. 70-75.
Michelakou, Ioanna. “Fab Tree Hab,” Marie Claire Deco, GR, Nov., p. 101.
Cao, Sissia. "Return to Intelligence - MIT City Car,” Vision, CN, No. 8, Aug., pp. 188-93.
Ashraf, Kazi. “A Trip to India,” Made in India, AD (Architectural Design) Nov/Dec, pp. 84-89.
Bromberg, Craig. “Gang of Green: Terreform,” DigitALL, Samsung, Fall, p. 10/48.
Groen, Tim. Relax - Interiors for Human Wellness, Birkhäuser, pp. 250-253.
Lu, Cathy. “Green House,” National Geographic Kids, p. 22, June/ July.
Stern, Linda. “Terreform: Building Houses Out of Living Trees,” Newsweek, May 28, p. E2.
Goede, Wolfgang C. “Bio-Bau: Aus Baumstämmen ein Haus flechten,” P.M. Jun. p. 14.
Choi, Lily. “PeristalCity,” Architecture Competition Annual VIII, Archiworld Co. pp. 120-123.
Santilli, Luciano. “Alberi a forma di casa,” Panorama, No. 22, May 31, p. 254.
Kasuga, Yoshiko. “Human Nest,” SPA-DE Space & Design, Intl. Review, Vol. 7, pp. 46-48.
Roberts, Tristan. “Architects Plan to Grow House from Plants,” Environmental Building News, Vol. 16, No. 4, Apr.
Portwood, Jerry. “LES from Scratch,” New York Press, Vol. 20, No.16, Apr. 18, pp. 14-16.
Thielicke, Robert. “Gruen & Gut: Baumhaus,” Focus, No. 18, Apr. 30, p. 110.
Bernhard, Brendan. “Global Warming Burnout,” The New York Sun, Apr. 25.
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Di Mario, Sara Lisa. “Vivere Eco,” Home Wellness, No. 01 Apr.-May, p. 153-55.
De Bel, Irene. “Levend Boomhuis,” Cobouw NL, No. 58, Mar. 23, pp. 1, 9.
Lackner, Chris. “Grow your own home: Fab Tree Hab,” Ottawa Citizen, Th., Mar. 8, p. A13.
Lee, Hyun-Kyeong. “Mitchell Joachim” Science Donga, Seoul KR, #03, Mar. pp. cover, 16.
Nestor, James. “Branching Out,” Dwell, Vol. 7 No. 3, Feb. pp. 96-98.
Kellogg, Craig. “Tree/House,” Interior Design, Vol. 78, issue #1, Jan. p. 48,
Speare, Mary. “Beyond Green Design,” MIT Spectrum, Spring, Vol. XVIII No. IX p. 10.
Blask, Sara. “Home Grown,” Iceland Review / Atlantica, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. p. 12.
Pogrebin, Robin. “Visions of Manhattan: For the City, 100-Year Makeovers,” The New York Times, Nov. 4, p. A9.
Ritter, Axel. Smart Materials: Types, Products, Architecture, Birkhäuser. p. 10-11, 142, 160.
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International Architectural Exhibition, V.1-2, p. 301.
Marogna, Di Gege. “House and Garden,” Casamica, Dec. pp. 67-8.
Chiarella, Tom. “The Future of Driving,” Esquire, Dec. pp. 180, 244.
Marques, Nelson. “O Carro do Futuro,” Expresso Unica, No. 1777, Nov. 18, pp. 116-7.
Marques, Nelson. “Uma Arvore Como Cas,” Expresso Unica, No. 1775, Nov. 4, pp. 134-5.
Mone, Gregory. “Grow Your Second Home,” Popular Science, Nov. pp. 38-9.
Mariaccia, Stéphanie. “L’ Arbre-Maison,” Science et Vie Junior, No. 205, Oct. p. 12.
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Barton, David. Create a Gym Competition, New York Magazine, Feb. 7, p. 14.
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Van Gastel, Mikon. Imaginary Forces, Design Workshop: Integrated Identity Creation for Culture Communication, KDRI.
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Belkin, Douglas. “2050 Future Shock,” The Boston Globe Magazine, Jan. 2.
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Raffle, H. and J. Tichenor, H. Ishii, “Super Cilia Skin,” Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, Berg Publishers.
KoozArch Interview, Design with Life: Terreform ONE, April 3. <>
Chesterton, Marnie. “Can we build houses from living trees?” BBC World Service, Feb. 22. <>
Gorbet, Rob. “Principles, Aesthetics, and Sustainability of Living Architecture with Jenny Sabin, Mitchell Joachim, Philip Beesley,” Living Dialogs Podcast S1E1, Mar. 15. <>
Ohad, Daniella. “Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim,” Designing the 21st Century, Apple Podcast, Mar. 22. <>
Corre, Natalia. “Designing Against Extinction,” Advance Copy, Apr. <>
Betsky, Aaron. “Terreform ONE and Quest for a New Garden of Eden.” Architect, Aug. 17. <>
Kammerbauer, Mark. “It’s Design Against Extinction” Topos magazine, March 10. <>
Zuckerman, Andrew and Spencer Bailey. “Mitchell Joachim on What Civilization 2.0 Looks Like,” The Slowdown, At a Distance, Episode #52, July 9. <>
Joachim, Mitchell. “The Monarch Sanctuary/ Mitchell Joachim for the Shenzhen Biennale (UABB),” ArchDaily, May 27. <>
Cumbers, John. “Can We Redesign The Modern City With Synthetic Biology? Could We Grow Our Houses Instead Of Building Them?,” Forbes, Sept. 26. <>
Marinova, Elissaveta. “The Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial is a call to action for climate change,” Wallpaper, May 13. <>
Meier, Allison C. “Designing the Butterfly-Friendly City,” CityLab, May 13. <>
Meier, Allison C. “To Save the Butterflies, Put Them in Cities,” Mother Jones, May 14. <>
Alexa, Alexandra. “This SoHo Office Building Will Double as a Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary,” Core77, June 10. <>
Marchese, Kieron. “The outside of this office building in New York will be a giant butterfly sanctuary,” Designboom, June 11. <>
Henriques, Martha. “How do you bring wildlife back to the city?,” BBC Future, Jan. 21. <>
Herzog, Andres. “The Material Battle (Die Materialschlacht),” Hochparterre, Apr. 9. <>
Keane, Katharine. “Cooper Hewitt to Showcase Design Interventions for Climate Change in a 2019 Triennial Exhibit,” ARCHITECT, Feb. 1. <>
Jovanovic Weiss, Srdjan. “A chat with Mitchell Joachim on butterflies, crickets, and architecture,” Building Beyond Together, Geoplast. <>
Knapp, Alex. “Farming The Next Big Food Source: Crickets,” Forbes, Jan. 30. <>
Diaz, Jesus. “Airports That Architects Want To Redesign Most,” Fast Company, May 11.
Saunders, Zack. “Conversation With Mitchell Joachim,” Arch2O, Oct. 20. <>
Gilligan, Rich. “Brave New Bio: A New Breed of Tech Company Returns to Nature,” Tech Fancy - Unnatural Selection, No. 3, Dec. <>
Hobbs, Julia. “10 Things We Learned About Art Basel Miami,” British Vogue, Dec. 9. <>
Cole, Samantha. “Welcome to the Slightly Alien Future World of Terreform ONE,” Motherboard/ Vice. Jun 1. <>
Hares, Sophie. “Meaty challenge: What’s on the menu for future cities?” Thomson Reuters Foundation, Sept. 4. <>
D'Arcy, Patrick. “Exciting, thought-provoking ideas that reimagine how we can live and work in cities,” Ideas TED, Jul 19. <>
Jones, Tegan. “Horny Crickets Will Save Us All,” Gizmodo, Sept. 28. <>
Kim, Gene and Rob Ludacer. “This bizarre building in Brooklyn is a home for more than 20,000 crickets,” Business Insider, Jan. 8. <>
Chung, Stephy and Georgia McCafferty. “Futuristic pod will both house and feed you crickets,” CNN, Jun. 15.<>
Durbanova, Anna. “Mitchell Joachim: Innovator in Ecological Design,” Impakter, Sept. 2. <>
Guernieri, Marianna. “Insect Farm,” Domus, Aug. 23. <>
Mlot, Stephanie. “Human-Powered Gym Boat Provides Seine-ic Views,” PC Magazine, Dec. 20. <>
Cromley, Kathleen. “Bio City,” What Works Series: Urban Innovators, POLITICO, Nov. <>
Ferro, Shaunacy. “7 Ways Architecture Can Tackle Global Warming,” Fast Company, Feb. <>
Johnson, Sara. “Interview with Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE,” ARCHITECT, Feb. 04. <>
Nield, David. “Sustainable cities of the future,” MSN News, Microsoft, Nov. <>
O'Brien, Sara Ashley. “The tech behind smart cities,” CNN Money, Nov. 11. <>
Hubert, Christian and Mitchell Joachim. “Futurists Propose Walking City of Configurable Housing Units,” Metropolis, June. <>
Dailey, Jessica. “Could Dismantled Ships Form A Resilient Brooklyn Waterfront?” Curbed NY, Mar 13. <>
Du, Frances and Denise Lu, “Exploring Socio-Ecological Design with Mitchell Joachim,” Culture-ist, Huffington Post, Dec. 15. <>
O'Callaghan, Tiffany. "Grow your own home with ancient and modern tech,” CultureLab, New Scientist, Sept. 28.<>
Steadman, Ian. “The Cities of the Future Will Be Grown, Not Built,” Wired UK, Sept. 24. <>
Beltrami, Damiano. “Mitchell Joachim of Terreform ONE Imagines A Zero-Impact New York 100 Years From Now,” The Huffington Post, May 25. <>
Stoelker, Tom. “A Terreformed Summer,” The Architect's Newspaper, Aug. 31. <>
Couch, Christina. “House Made of Meat Serves Up Delicious Surprises,”, Aug 3. <>
Michler, Andrew. “In Vitro Habitat: a House Made of Meat,” Inhabitat, July 8. <>